Do Cultural Beliefs and Practices Influence Place of Delivery among Women? A case of Ibanda district, Uganda.

Population studies
James Ntozi and Felece Katusiime-Kabazeyo
Issue: 2
(11 - 2016)
The paper investigates cultural beliefs and practices that influence women’s choice of the place of delivery in Ibanda district of Uganda. Primary survey data on 144 women aged 20-49 years, 10 traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and 5 focus group discussions were used in the analysis. Results showed that 55% of the women delivered from home. Cultural beliefs and practices in the area included use of herbs, burial of placenta, compression of womb, unexposed private parts and delivering alone, but did not determine place of delivery. Multivariate analysis found that level of education and type of housing were the most influential variables. Qualitative data identified reasons for rural women preferring home as a place of delivery including home convenience, family support, rude behaviour by health workers, past positive experience with home delivery, quick labour progression and preference for TBAs. Train current TBAs to recognize and refer risky pregnancies to health facilities. Keywords: Place of delivery, cultural beliefs and practices, influence, women, Uganda.