Familial correlates of unmet need for contraception among currently married women: a comparative study of three Sub-Saharan African Countries

population health
Eunice Ntwala S Imasiku
Issue: 1
(12 - 2017)
Using data from the 2010 Malawi, 2013-14 Togo and 2011 Uganda DHS, the study explored the relationship between unmet need for contraception (unmet need) and family factors. The analysis was based on data for 15,528 currently married women aged 15-49 in Malawi, 6,282 in Togo and 5,417 in Uganda. Multinomial regression models were used to analyse the data. Results show that Malawian and Togolese women in female headed households have a higher risk (p<0.001) of having unmet need for spacing over no unmet need. Spousal agreement on fertility desire significantly reduced unmet need among Malawian women. Therefore family factors to some extent do influence unmet need in these countries. The findings indicate the importance of coming up with strategies which will encourage spousal communication in order to aid males and females to be equal partners in family planning. Keywords: currently married women, Malawi, Togo, Uganda, unmet need for contraception.