A comparative study of fertility preferences of Nigerian female migrants and non-migrants in Benin City, Nigeria.

Reproductive Health
Osazuwa Peter
Ugal David.
Issue: 2
(11 - 2018)
Context/Background: Whereas a large body of literature has already focused on fertility and migration at destination area, relatively few studies have examined fertility in association with return-migration at country of origin. This study is an investigation of the association between international return-migrants and non- migrants’ fertility preferences among women in Benin City, Nigeria. Data Sources/Methods: Data were collected from 760 migrants and non-migrants through multistage sampling technique and were analysed employing descriptive statistics, Chi-square, correlation and Ordinal regression. Findings: Returnees' migration experience (x” =212.971, df=4, p<.001) and length of stay abroad (x? = 15.899, df=6, p.050) were associated with higher fertility preferences. Non-migrants’ fertility preferences were lower (3.89 children average) than those of migrants (4.14). Migrants who stayed longer abroad were |.06 times more likely to prefer larger family size compared with those who stayed for shorter periods. Conclusion: Migration should not be discouraged in order to achieve the ideal fertility aspiration of the country’s population policy. Keywords: Fertility preference, female migrants, non-migrants, migration, destination, Benin City.