Structural patterns of internal migration flows in Botswana: log-linear modeling approach

P.S. Nair and T.M. Masukusuku
Issue: 2
(11 - 2012)
Among the total population in Botswana, 40 percent are lifetime migrants and females exceed males. Movement from rural to urban areas dominates the pat- tern of internal migration. The log-linear modeling analysis, which provides para- metric values for the inter-district effects, shows that the Central district has the highest push effect and Gaborone, Northeast and Francistown are the most attractive places of destination. The other districts which pulled migrants from Central are Towns and small towns. Next, Southern and Kweneng districts have the highest push effects. Gaborone, the capital city district, exhibited a signifi- cantly high mobility in terms of both inmigration and outmigration. Again, Gabor- one has the highest column effect or pull factor, followed closely by the Central district. The interaction effects between districts are also shown vividly through log-linear
Keywords: Botswana, lifetime migration flows, log-linear modeling, structural patterns and preference index.